Who am I

My name is João Carlos Rebello Caribé, I’m a Master in Information Science from UFRJ (PPGCI) with the thesis “Algorithmization of social networked relations, belief production and reality construction”. Graduated in Advertising and Marketing from Universidade Estácio de Sá. I am currently a MBA lecturer, and an independent consultant in strategic innovation, knowledge management, and project management. I was a counselor for the first Coordination Council of NETmundial Initiative, was member of Executive Committee of NCUC at ICANN, both representing civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean. Also I’m a member of Internet Society Brasil, Coalizão Direitos na Rede, Red Latam, BestBits, Comunidade Diplo, Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality e Global Net Neutrality Coalition, Laboratório em Rede de Humanidades Digitais (LarHud) and Estudos Críticos em Informação, Tecnologia e Organização Social (Escritos). I have experience in the areas of Communication, Marketing, Information Science, International Relations, Public Policy Building, Project Management and Strategic Planning.
What is this project?
This is a project of open science and scientific dissemination, because I believe that science belongs to humanity. Here I am talking to the general public, from the most humble to the most capable citizen. For this reason, the texts published here are classified into three levels:
- Basic – They are generally well didactic and easy to understand;
- Intermediary – To understand them, the reader should have a medium knowledge in the subject in question;
- Advanced – They are more elaborate texts, more grounded with a focus on the academy.
We are in the 21st century, and technological cycles are getting shorter, it does not make sense to wait up to two years to have a research published, not even a month or two. If we do not change the way we spread science, we will become obsolete scientists, acting like real autopsies scientists. Imagine in the scenario described by Sandra Peter and Dirk S. Hovorka in the article “How Future is Done”, where they propose that the researches extrapolate to the future.
As technologies and human systems become increasingly impactful and pervasive, unexpected outcomes often leave researchers to perform ‘research autopsies’ to determine what went wrong. Despite concern around disruptive technologies and the growing complexity, interdependence and volatility of business environments, academics remained oriented to researching the here-and-now and assuming an extrapolation of the present into the future. (PETER, Sandra; HOVORKA, Dirk S. 2019)
Public Science Manifesto
In the researchers we have to understand and take our responsibility on the future of humanity against the dichotomy benefit and threat of technology. It is through the establishment of ethical limits in the results and in the utilization of his research. Through broad and unrestricted scientific disclosure, tailoring his work to the target public, abolishing formalism, and seeking ways to explain it to the most humble citizen
Erica Stone brilliantly presents the motivation to publish free science by questioning the fact that academic research is sponsored with public resources because it is not available to the public? Well, mine are, and always will be.
HOVORKA, D. S.; PETER, S. How the Future is Done. In: 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Science. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 2019. ISBN: 9780998133126.